The next regular meeting should be Thursday, January 16, at 6:30 p.m. You can get contact information for the commission, including information on filing complaint forms here. You can get copies of the agendas and minutes for the commission meetings here. You can find a calendar of annual human rights observances here. Observances for the current month are included in this website here.
Don Spencer, a former member of the Human Rights Commission and a member of the CCSJ Steering Committee, wrote an article about the commission’s work for the Dominion Post that was published on Sunday, January 19th.
Vacancies on Human Rights Commission. There are currently four vacancies on the commission. According to the City of Morgantown’s website, “Appointments of to the Commission are made by City Council, and all must be residents of the City. All seats are non-ward specific.” Information on applying for the commission is available here.
LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS of morgantown / monongalia County (LWV-MM)
The League of Women Voters is a constituent member of West Virginia Women Vote (WVWV) and a member of the CCSJ.
Follow this group on Facebook and contact them by email at Interested in joining the League of Women Voters? Join online. The state League of Women Voters has a new website. “The League of Women Voters of West Virginia is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots civic organization that encourages informed and active participation in government.” They are a member of the CCSJ.
The LWV of Morgantown-Monongalia County invites everyone to subscribe to LWV-MM's Substack. A subscription gets you automatic updates. And it's free. The new Substack post, on January 26, is here.
You can follow GMIA on Facebook or on the web. Their email address is
Follow the group on Facebook or their website.
Meetings are usually the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Monongalia Friends Meeting, 648 E. Brockway, Morgantown.
Email this group at
Morgantown-Kingwood Branch of the NAACP
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 18 at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom. Contact the NAACP at for more information and to learn how to participate.
The branch has a Readings on Race and Rights group and does its work with a variety of committees, including Education, Political Action, Legal Redress, Criminal Justice, and Health.
Follow the NAACP on Facebook. The Facebook page also includes information on bills in the legislature that are of concern to the branch members.
The Morgantown/Kingwood Branch will be hosting the state NAACP meeting in April. Follow the NAACP on Facebook. We appreciate the fact that the Branch shares this Update with its membership.
Morgantown Civilian Police Review Advisory Board Needs Two Members
The City of Morgantown is currently accepting applications for the two vacancies on the Board, and you can get a link to the application and more information by going here. “The Board shall consist of nine members appointed by the City Council. Each member shall be a resident of the city or an active member of an organization that works within the city to promote purposes consistent with the purpose of the Board.”
The board meets the second Tuesday of each month at noon at the Morgantown Public Safety Building conference room. For links to agendas and minutes of past meetings, go here.
Sunday services are held at 10:30 a.m. in person and via Zoom with the link available here. Everyone is welcome.
The church has a Blessings Box outside the church at 464 Virginia Avenue, Morgantown, where you can drop off extra food you may have or take some if you need it, or swap food. Feminine hygiene products are also welcome.
Follow them at their website or on Facebook. The church is a member of the CCSJ.
morgantown Friends
We welcome them as a new member organization of CCSJ. First Day meetings are at 11:00 a.m. at 648 E. Brockway, Morgantown. Contact them at
greater morgantown interfaith association
If you are interested in this group, please contact Eve Faulkes at
Fairmont PFLAG
Information is available here and on their Facebook page.
There are many events listed on the Facebook page.
Fairmont Pride
Check out their new webpage where you can learn more about who we are and apply for membership! Their Facebook page is here.
The next meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 18 at the Frank & Jane Gabor West Virginia Folklife Center on the campus of Fairmont State University.
“Join us in person (weather permitting) for our February Public Meeting. All are welcome to attend but only members can vote on corporate items, so be sure to apply for membership today! Bring a friend, allies welcome!”
There will be no regular meeting in February but the community is invited to join Dismantling Racism Together and First Presbyterian Church in a community-wide read of Unbroken and Unbowed: A History of Black Protest in America . In this compelling and informative volume, Jimmie R. Hawkins walks the reader through the many forms of Black protest in American history, from pre-colonial times though the George Floyd protests of 2020.
Hawkins will be in Morgantown, Sunday, February 9, at 2:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church to discuss elements of his book with the community. "Please join us by registering for the event. Each week you will receive an email with questions for reflection and a reminder for the February event. Register for the Community Read here. The book is available at First Presbyterian Church or through online vendors such as Thrift Books, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, or Westminster John Knox Press"
For more information about the group please go to their website or Facebook or email or contact
First Presbyterian Church
The church is located at 456 Spruce Street. Adult Sunday School is at 9:30 a.m. Online worship is at 10:00 a.m., and in-person worship is at 11:00 a.m. The church’s Facebook page is here and has details about the many activities. The church is a member organization of CCSJ.
The Coalition was very active during the legislative session, including, after the session, publishing an op ed in the Charleston Gazette and a letter to the editor in the Dominion Post about its issues. See our Legislature Updates/Alerts page for information on issues of concern. Send your email address to, and we will pass on your information to the coalition’s leadership.
For more information about the group please go to their website or Facebook or email or contact
“Come celebrate PRIDE with us in 2025! Join us for an afternoon of entertainment, food, vendors, and community on June 14th, 2025 from 12-5. Stay tuned for updates on who'll be joining us and what surprises we're able to pull off! Registration will open March of 2025!
“As always, this event is open to the public, and we welcome all ages to participate in Morgantown's Pride!”
For information on this group and descriptions of Board positions, go to their Facebook page or their website. The Facebook page is very active so check it regularly for updates and more events. Morgantown Pride also has an Instagram page here.
Raising Trans Kids Community Group
The Raising Trans Kids community group is for West Virginia parents, guardians, and families who are raising transgender or gender diverse kids (of any age), or have kids who might be transgender or gender diverse. Follow Morgantown Pride on Facebook.
Anyone interested in joining the meeting for the first time or to get more information can email
Project Rainbow
Project Rainbow provides shelter and support services to vulnerable young folks in the LGBT community who come from all across WV. They need our support. Follow this group on Facebook.
Scotts Run
Community sing: This group usually meets the last Monday of the month.
Scotts Run resonance
"Don’t throw that away! We can fix it at the Repair Café , February 15, 10-2 at the Shack. We will have tables for wiring for lamps/Larry Goodwin: Cast Iron skillet repair/CJ Cassell: Computer and Electronic Help/Jeffrey Thompson: Clothing Repair/hemming/ Charlene Marshall: Knife sharpening/Ryan Summerkorm: Photo repair/photoshop/doll house models to work on/ Eve Faulkes: iPhone Confusion/Dani Reese Fortney: Small Object and general household repair /Alex Panger: and more…nothing with gasoline since we are indoors. Collecting more repairers. + Food, coffee, friendship, live music.
"Call us if you have something else you need repaired not covered by our folks and we’ll find another fixer. 304-918-8662 or
"Also CALL to sign up at a table to get your item fixed. You can just show up and enjoy the conversation and café, but sign-ups will be taken first for fixes and it’s just going on for four hours! We are still the first REPAIR CAFÉ, in WV, but it’s a world-wide movement, and Scott’s Run knows how to Make Do or Do Without by repairing it. Join us February 15.
This project is made possible by the Mid Atlantic Arts Central Appalachia Living Traditions grant awarded to the Scott’s Run Resonance Project with the partners of The Scott’s Run Museum and Trail, The Ferry House and THE SHACK.
Follow this group at its website or on Facebook. According to its January newsletter, in 2024 MCCAC provided services to 945 clients, educated 1,476 community members on vital issues surrounding child safety, conducted 223 forensic interviews, facilitated 953 therapy sessions, and provided 5,326 advocacy services.
The MCCAC is also launching its “Build the Bounce” campaign to raise $100,000 in 2025 to celebrate its twentieth anniversary.
Girls’ Night Out – May 30th. The 2025 theme is “Roaring ‘20s.” The event will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the WVU Erickson Alumni Center. Sponsorships are now available at levels from $250 (Jazz Age Patrons) to $5,000 (The Gatsby Gold). You can find information about sponsorships at the MCCAC Facebook page. Contact Taylor at if you are interested in sponsoring GNO 2025!
Golf Tournament – July 26th. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. at the Mountaineer Golf Course.
Rape and Domestic Violence Information Center (RDVIC)
The RDVIC is seeking entries for ‘Zine:
Kay Powney, the prevention educator for RDVIC, is taking submissions until February of poetry, artwork, questions, and prose for a ‘zine entitled A Common Guide for Ending Sexual Violence . April is Sexual Awareness Month. Kay’s email is
Also, “RDVIC has posted on Facebook that Our shelter is in need of some essential items to continue providing a safe and supportive space for those escaping domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and stalking. Your donations make all the difference!
“Please call (304) 292 5100 for more information on how and where to drop off donations!”
Here is the list of items needed: nightshirts, pajamas women’s underwear (large and up), men’s clothing, paper towels, toilet paper, garbage bags, liquid laundry detergent, all sanitizing products, sweatpants, tops/leggings, women’s shoes size 7 and larger, winter coats/boots, flip flops/rain boots, gift cards, nonperishable food, bus passes, light bulbs, phone chargers/blocks, headphones/Bluetooth speakers, batteries, art supplies, journals/notebooks, makeup, skin care/sunscreen, perfume, body spray, body wash, board games, puzzle books, adult coloring books, weighted blankets, luggage, cat/dog supplies, umbrellas, and deodorant.
Morgantown Mutual Aid
Follow this group on Facebook. We are happy to be coordinating more with this group now.
Notices from the January 30 Mutual Aid newsletter:
The next mutual aid meeting is on Sunday, February 2nd, at 5:30 pm at the Grind. (You can also attend virtually with this recurring Zoom link:
The next Mutual Aid Fair is on Thursday, February 13th.
All-hands, “big picture” meeting is set for Sunday, February 16th (the Sunday following the next Mutual Aid fair). Current projects to discuss include birth control distro, food distro, community resource list, pamphlets for public distro, clothes borrowing project, meal prep/delivery, ride shares,
Food Not Bombs is still in need of volunteers, sign up here. This group provides a free community meal on Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. in front of Monkey Wrench Books on High Street in downtown Morgantown.
The next Prison Pen Pal writing circle will be Monday, February 24th, at 6 pm at Durar. Come to learn more about the program and get matched with a pen pal. You can also get matched to a pen pal by filling out APBP's online survey.
Freedom Farmers (Guerrilla Gardening Project) is planning a benefit show at Art Party on Friday, February 28th.
empty Bowls
Empty Bowls Monongalia Soup and Bread Luncheon is Saturday, February 22nd, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.: This event will take place at the Hazel and J. E. Ruby Community Center at Mylan Park. You can buy tickets here.
There are still some volunteer positions open. You can get descriptions of the positions and sign up at We need around 500 volunteers so there’s definitely something for everyone! Check out the positions & Sign up here.